The Community Blog
The Zed Factor Fellowship Community Blog. Here we will regularly-update this blog which will highlight people in the industry from underrepresented backgrounds, make announcements about relevant aerospace events, provide career development tips, provide information about outreach events and lastly some mindful organization tips.
Founders Corner
A blog that is regularly updated by the founders.
Resources Curated by the Zed Community
Space Internships
SpaceInterns is a site for students and young professionals to find opportunities in the aerospace industry, with a focus on the U.S. space industry, encompassing the breadth of fields of study and backgrounds. SpaceInterns was designed with diversity in mind: There are many opportunities spreadsheets out there, but we wanted to make this one fully searchable to make sure every single person can find the right funding sources tailored to their background and experiences. SpaceInterns has become the only dedicated platform for recurring space opportunities — internship and fellowship programs, scholarships, and grants — that serves to complement other great industry databases for jobs and internships.
Space Life
A guide to space life which is curated by our very own Therese Jones. This guide takes you through organizations to join, newsletters to sign up to, conferences, particularly ones with cheap student rates or student scholarships, conference funding, fellowships and lastly how to go about preparing for graduate school!
Space Agenda
Space Agenda was created by an international and multi-disciplinary team of aerospace professionals and enthusiasts from science, engineering and political sciences backgrounds. There vision started off in 2009 as an initiative to facilitate the connection of the global and interdisciplinary space community around one event-website. SpaceAgenda was designed as a tool to identify one’s events of interest according to professional background preferences and for helping with yearly planning.
The website is regularly updated to keep you informed on space events!
Aviation Week Network 20 Twenties
Aviation Week Network honors 20 students in their Twenties each year currently enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM). The 20 Twenties program was established by Aviation Week Network in 2013 to recognize talented individuals who are on course to change the face of the aerospace and defense industry. Criteria is based on academic performance, civic contribution, personal challenges and the value of each student’s research or design project. The 20 students chosen are honored at the 20 Twenties Awards Luncheon and at Aviation Week Network’s annual Laureates Awards and Banquet. In addition, all winners are highlighted on aviationweek.com, and in Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, and receive a free digital subscription to the magazine. Most importantly, the program brings together technology hiring managers, students, and faculty worldwide to recognize what’s needed for business and academic growth and success. The students begin building a network comprised of the technical experts who have built the industry, the universities gain visibility for high-quality education provided to the students, and hiring managers gain knowledge about the best of the best in the next generation of aerospace talent. To learn more about the 20 Twenties Awards, contact Anna Dariotis at anna.dariotis@aviationweek.com or go to: www.aviationweek.com/20twenties
Follow our journey.
RT @tanyaofmars: @playlikeajet24 3. Join programs like @ZedFellowship, @PGSFellowship, and/or @owensfellowship to give students inte… https://t.co/3D57gKJGnD
RT @HotNozzleSummer: Hey Nozzlers! HNS is committed to diversity in hobby rocketry and beyond. We have been hard at work gathering resou… https://t.co/hRVcd0hIsR
Meet Abed Musaffar, a PhD student at @ucsantabarbara and 2021 Zed Fellow with @Venturi Astrolab. Through the Zed Fe… https://t.co/sGqwNtZRwb
The Zed Factor Fellowship is thrilled to partner with the @AviationWeek Network - the largest, most engaged communi… https://t.co/3sJM72tYIS
On #ZedFellowFriday, meet @JordanAE22, Zed Class of '22. Today a GNC engineer at @SCOUTdotspace, he says his Fellow… https://t.co/Avwp8peH2h