Ruth Nichols

College/University: Florida Institute of Technology, Astrobiology and Mathematical Sciences, ‘24

Host Company: Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)


Ruth Nichols is a rising senior studying Astrobiology and Mathematical Sciences at Florida Tech in Melbourne, Florida. She is a 2022 and 2023 Astronaut Scholar and the 2022-2024 Undergrad Student Rep for the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society National Board of Directors. In May 2023, she was the Commander for a 14-day analog astronaut mission in the Inflatable Lunar/Martian Analog Habitat (ILMAH). She is the team lead for the CERES (Controlled Environment Research and Education Space) project, which is a proposal for an isolated lunar/Martian analog habitat at Florida Tech. Ruth does research in three labs at Florida Tech and is passionate about STEM communication and policy and human spaceflight research.


Omar Elhayes


Sindhu Belki